Saturday, June 30, 2012

(sigh) ...... Go on......

Don't you hate people who make you feel like a horrible human being?  You know the ones, who are generally annoying but because they are "nice" and because you are "nice", you can't tell them to shut up and go away.  But you secretly wish they would die a horrible death.... no...wait ... your feelings match that sentiment but you don't really wish harm upon anyone. And then later on you feel guilty for thinking such horrible thoughts when that person's only crime was stepping on your last nerve.

The latest of these is a co-worker of mine who has bravely battled cancer.....yes I said cancer.  "Why how could you think mean things about someone?"... you might be thinking.  Well first off this person has always had the bad conversational manners in the way that you can never leave a conversation once it has started.  She talks a never ending run on sentence that never seems to end. She doesn't pick up on cues that you are trying to leave or end a conversation. Everytime you try to walk away she starts to talk again. It's kind of like a female Columbo. She will even follow you to continue her boring assault.

The worst part- the conversation always reverts back to her and all her troubles and turmoils (this was true even before the cancer). She has some sort of evil knack for twisting every topic (no matter how mundane) back into her sufferings.  Now that she has been back for the last couple of months and is cancer free, I get the joy of never being to complain or talk about anything without her going into some ramble about all her horrible moments of fighting cancer.  And no she is not doing it to show us how lucky we are or to put things in perspective.  She did the same thing all of the time before the cancer. And yes she had all my sympathies during her illness and after her return, for awhile. But lately it's been getting really annoying.  If she shows me her pick line one more time I'm going to lose it. There are those people who brag how great they are and how great their life is -- then there are those who have to "one up" you with all their miseries.  I call it Scarlet O'Hara-itis --(insert southern accent here) "nobody has suffered how I have suffered".  The thing is, I could think these mean thoughts before and not feel bad, but truthfully her sufferings are greater. That's the problem because the cancer has given validity to her ramblings and I can't say anything to her or risk showing everyone the horrible human being I apparently am. I guess if that's my only "suffering" then I'm doing pretty good.

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