Friday, July 6, 2012

The obnoxious passive-aggressive hollow soap box

We all like our opinions to be known on some level. It's pretty evident from the vast number of social networking sites, discussion boards, comment sections, and blogs. But the trend that is annoying as hell is the reposting of empty proclamations where there is some sort of passive aggressive manipulative statement that if you don't repost the picture/poster/statement than you are inherently against what the statement says.  They usually involve proclaiming love and appreciation for mom, dad, kids, spouse,  supporting our troops, patriotism, having faith in their religion, or supporting those with illness such as cancer, etc. 

I have consciously chosen not to repost any of this drivel - for many reasons. I resent being bullied into saying what I believe in.  I also resent to notion that if I don't repost something that automatically makes against it and therefore a "bad" person. It kind of drives that "you're either with us or against us" mentality.  The best part of freedom of speech is the freedom part.  I also think most of the statements in these proclamations are obvious to most people. (with the exception of religion)  Of course most people love their mother, support the troops, and are against cancer.  But you had to post a picture of a sunset or flag with cursive writing on it so everyone was clear on the subject. Duh. It seems a little ridiculous to make a pointless proclamation. If you are going to take a stand at least do it with a topic that can make a difference. And please leave off  statements like "I know 99% of you won't repost this but I know my true friends will". (ugh-eye roll)  The biggest reason I don't repost these is that it's a meaningless gesture. Anyone can copy and paste or click share. It doesn't accomplish anything. If you love your mother - call her and tell her.  If you support the troops, then donate to organizations that support soldiers and their families.  If you love Jesus, then follow his example and help those who are less fortunate.  Actions speak louder than words....and are surely more inspiring than passive-aggressive comments.

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