Sunday, June 17, 2012

Positive negative attitude

I'm usually a positive upbeat person. (or at least that's what I think most people see me as) But I also have a nagging critical bent to my personality as well. It's not that I see everything in a negative manner, but rather it's my hopeful nature that sees everything could be a little bit better.  I'm not a perfectionist. Perfectionism is for those who have to fit everything into their little box of how they think everything should be.  Maybe I'm an idealist - but even that has a stink of some elitist view of the world.  OK maybe I'm a realist who knows things will never be perfect nor expects they will be, but hopes and constantly thinks about how we can make life in general a little better.

 By better - I mean in experience rather than appearance.  There is a huge difference between the two. Most people don't stop to think about how that simple distinction can affect almost every facet of their life.  I believe life should be about seeking fulfillment.  Fulfillment has been defined in many of ways, but when you break it down, it simply is about satisfaction (or happiness if you will), purpose, and experiences.  Most people look to appearances to fulfill them- money, success, prestige, material possessions, etc. But at the end of the day it's the experiences you have on a daily basis (large and small) that give us a sense of connection - connection to the physical world around us and more importantly a connection to one another.  The only thing better than a great experience is a shared great experience.