Friday, December 27, 2013

Holiday potluck- the pissiness and the pleasures

One thing you can count on during the holiday season is plenty of various potluck parties, whether it be through work, church, social clubs, friends or family, there are plenty of opportunities to chow down in a sea of crock pots and cheese trays. It also never fails that besides bloating and heartburn, these little get-together produce a lot of griping and petty comments. (me included) Oh the joy!

Every potluck consists of 50% of very thoughtful well made dishes that somebody took the time and money to make, 45% who brought something store bought (but substantial in size and cost) because they didn't have the time to make what they wanted, and 5% of the people who cheap out and contribute the bag of Doritos and jar of salsa that they bought at a gas station on the way. Now it goes without saying that Doritos guy is also the FIRST one in line and loads his plate FULL of chicken wings, homemade meatballs and shrimp cocktail. I seriously can't believe the gall of someone who spent 5 minutes and 5 bucks is the one who eats the most expensive and labor intensive food. REALLY? Are you really that shameless? It also goes without saying that one of the things left at the end, uneaten and unopened is the bag of Doritos.

While there is usually a sign up sheet, so you don't end up with 4 vegetable trays, everyone usually waits until the last minute to sign up for anything. Nobody ever signs up to bring plates, napkins, and utensils. So the one who had the thankless job of organizing the event usually ends up bringing them adding to the cost on top of what they spent on their dish. For the gentleman who doesn't cook and is worried about bugging the wife to make something - this is the perfect thing to sign up for. But don't cheap out on the plates, spring for the large Dixie or Chinette plates. Nothing is worse that a plate of BBQ wienies ending up on your lap because someone brought dollar store paper plates.

Since I have had this thankless job of organizing these kind of events I will also call out all the "suggesters". These are the people who always decline to take charge of these events but feel it necessary to suggest to the organizer how it should be done. They are the ones who complain and criticize about everything because it's not the way THEY would've done it. Step up or shut up. I actually had a bible thumping co-worker hassle me as to why I put Holiday Potluck on the sign up sheet rather than Christmas potluck. I explained since our department is multicultural and we have many religions represented, that I wanted everyone to feel welcome to participate. The more the merrier- if you will. Well this person had a problem with that so I simply told them "well if you want more Christ in your Christmas - go to church more often". Meanwhile all the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist co-workers brought in wonderful dishes to share the joy. Fun and good tidings were had by all - except the one who wanted to get all pissy about holiday semantics. You know because that what Jesus would want - you to be all petty, spiteful, and exclusionary.

Despite all the hiccups and annoyances I love potlucks. I love all the homemade ethnic dishes my diverse co-workers bring in. (homemade egg rolls, venison sausage, Filipino noodles, lefse, pickled herring, garlic hummus) It's a chance to try new things, get recipes, talk to people you normally don't get a chance to, and fill yourself with goodness. That's the point of it after all - isn't it?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Joyless Gift Receivers

I have to say the one part of the Christmas season I hate is shopping for my youngest sister. She is incredibly picky and particular. She has an opinion on everything on how it should be. Buying a present for her is quite the chore and there is rarely any reward in it.

That is not to say that those with high standards are impossible to please. It's the ones who think only their ideas are the good ideas. I have pained and planned and have bought a high quality gift in something she is interested in and in the end she picks it apart and ultimately returns it simply because it wasn't her idea.

The best plan is to stick to the list she gives you. But the two problems with that - for one the items she asks for are usually out of the agreed upon price range, and second there is no surprise when the gift is opened. So there is no unexpected joy or elation. And it's so bad that even when you get something she asked for, she'll complain that it's not the brand/type/color she would have picked out.

Let's face it gift exchanges are as much about the givers as the receivers. It feels really good to see someone's reaction when you get them something they love. It also feels lousy when you put a lot of thought and effort to get someone a gift you thought they would love and you either get a neutral reaction or worse a negative reaction.

So if you are noticing that you are receiving less gifts than you used to, or if all you get are gift cards, then you just might be one of those picky joyless gift receivers. Merry Christmas - here's to you only getting what you want and crapping on those who care enough to buy you a thoughtful gift.